Friday, September 15, 2006

Take the Personality Test !

1. If given 3 wishes by a genie, what would they be and in what order ?

2. The one word in the oxford’s dictionary that describes you the best ?

3. Consider this scenario (for males only), you are on stage to conduct/host an event, after getting on stage you realize your zip is undone. What immediate action will you take ?

4. Complete the following (add 2 more lines) however you want to…

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face,
Stars to fill my dream,
I am a traveler of both time and space,
To be where I have been…

5. The motto/punch line of your life in a sentence (in less than 7 words).

6. If you were to acquire supernatural powers of God, what will be the 1st thing you will do ?

7. Rearrange these letters in such a way that to make one word.
E, D, O, R, N, O, W, -

8. Read the story below and give your conclusions.
There are two sisters. One unfortunate day their mother dies. During the funeral there is a handsome man who attends the funeral and one or maybe both the sisters fall in love with this man. Very soon one of the sisters dies a strange death. How and why ?

9. A question on lateral thinking.
When Clara clatter was purchasing her new parrot, the salesman assured her that it would repeat any word it heard. About a week later, Clara returned the parrot complaining it hadn't uttered a single word. Given that the salesman had spoken the truth about the parrot's abilities, why wouldn't the bird talk ?

10. If the entire world is a stage and men and women are mere actors then what is god ?

11. If given an option to travel back in time just once, which era/date/year would it be and why ?
12. Which of these two would you believe and try to follow and why? (You cannot pick both).(a) Serving mankind is serving god.

(b) Serving god is serving mankind.

13. You are alone in a dark street and someone/something (hint) is following you in the dark. What are your thoughts at this juncture ?

14. If for one day you could step into the shoes of somebody else (swap lives), who would that be? And why.

15. Your ThinkPad comes under a truck and nothing remains. How would you convince your manager/head about your innocence ?

16. A man walked into a take-away pizza parlor. He ordered one deep-pan pizza with cheese, tomatoes, and double anchovies, one crispy pizza with asparagus, cheese and tuna, one house special with extra cheese, two portions of onion rings, a diet cola with ice, a diet cola without ice, water, and an orange juice. The woman behind the counter served him and then said, "You are a plainclothes police officer, aren't you?" The man was indeed a plainclothes officer. He had never been in the pizza parlor before, and the woman didn't know him and had never seen him before, so how did she know what he did ?

17. Don’t drink and drive just smoke and fly. Justify this.

18. Define GOD. (Hint: abbreviate it)

19. Where according to you is Osama bin laden hiding ?

Send in your funky entries or write down your answers in the comments section for more fundoo questions and links !!


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