Monday, June 05, 2006

My Favourite Horror Flicks !

Well a few days back a good friend of mine gave me a piece of advice.His suggestion was that since I am a movie freak it would be wise on my part to give my reviews on the movies that I like rather than posting all kind of crap.Actually I thought about it and henceforth you might as well find quite a lot of posts on reviews.But again I dont want to waste my first opportunity writing a thesis.Thats for the critics to take care of.This is just a brief introduction to start of with.I know this genre of movies wont be appealing to everybody but frankly couldnt find a better topic to start of with right now.

William Friedkin rivals Hitchcock for heart-stopping terror in this deeply horrifying masterpiece that led to religious boycotts, fainting and nauseous audiences, and a commercial success that forever changed Hollywood.Linda Blair plays Regan, a 12-year-old girl possessed by the devil. After exhausting all the options of science, psychology, and medicine, Regan's mother realizes the supernatural nature of her daughter's condition and resorts to a religious solution, turning to Father Karras for an exorcism. Aided by the mysterious Jesuit exorcist Father Merrin, Karras must confront not only supernatural phenomena but also his own inadequate faith and displaced guilt over his mother's recent death, a personal torment Regan uses to manipulate him, but with disturbing results.Watch it for the splendid performance of Linda Blair.The pre-quel as they call it Exorcist : The Beginning is not that great.

The young son of an American diplomat and his wife, living in London, turns out to be marked with the sign of Satan, the infamous "666". It soon becomes apparent that he could be the Anti-Christ incarnate and possesses the evil powers to stop anyone who stands in his way. Again superb performances by Gregory Peck as the American Diplomat and Harvey Stevens as his son Damien (The Anti-Christ). The sequels Damien: The Omen II, The Final Conflict: Omen III and Omen IV: The Awakening are also good but not as good as this one. Havent seen the 2006 Remake though. Hope it is as good as the original one.

In an extremely rare decision, the Catholic Church officially recognized the demonic possession of a 19-year-old college freshman. A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed the exorcism that resulted in the girl's death.This movie is based on the true story of a German girl named Emily Rose and Jennifer Carpenter plays the role of the possessed girl to near perfection.

All of them dark movies and find a relatively higher ranking than others under the same category in my book.


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